In every state, there are statutes that steeply punish the theft or unlawful use of a motor vehicle. Some jurisdictions lump all forms of auto theft into a single offense while others have varying degrees of felony charges related to these crimes. So what is...
Many people facing a DWI in Minneapolis and Minnesota may be fearful and want to know what happens after a DWI arrest. At the time of arrest, many things happen quickly. You will be processed by the police and given a breathalyzer. You an also expect to spend some...
Certain holiday weekends are responsible for some of the highest numbers of DWI arrests throughout the country. This is especially true for holidays like Labor Day or the 4th of July. Given the high rate drunken-driving on these weekends, some states have taken an...
Every state approaches drunken driving laws differently. Some jurisdictions have a single criminal offense for DWI with sentences that vary in severity. Others have a standard DWI charge that is used for lesser offenses and an ‘aggravated’ DWI charge used for more...
Most states have some kind of “catch-all” offense designed to criminalize obscene or disorderly behavior that does not necessary fall within any other statute. Often, the wording of these statutes is broad in order to give police wide latitude when making an arrest....
Few criminal offenses stir the emotions more than allegations of domestic violence. For better or for worse, prosecutors are more likely to aggressively pursue these cases to trial. Often, they overlook the obvious problems that can arise in a domestic violence...
For many people, the possibility of joining the military is as much a calling as it is a career choice. Are you wondering, Can you join the military with a misdemeanor drug charge? You could face challenges with joining the military if there are criminal arrests and...
Like with any criminal offense, you are required to appear in court following an arrest for disorderly conduct in Minnesota. If you fail to do so, you will face not only the potential penalties from the disorderly conduct arrest but also additional criminal charges as...
Forgery charges can come about in a variety of circumstances. In Minnesota, forgery can involve mutilating a document or crafting a false version of a genuine document. Forgery can also involve the act of possessing, containing, or using a forged document or currency....