Some people choose the path of least resistance in the wake of a driving while impaired (DWI) arrest, presuming the offense is nothing more than an embarrassing incident comparable to a traffic violation. This is an inaccurate assumption, especially for commercial...
Minnesota’s implied consent law designates refusal of chemical testing (i.e. blood test or urine test) by a DWI suspect as a criminal offense. Violation subjects a driver to a more serious criminal charge and additional penalties. The Impact of Implied Consent is...
Any motorist who suffers a third conviction for DWI in 10 years, or a fourth in a lifetime, faces the undesirable scenario of cancellation of his or her driver’s license. While it is possible to regain your driving privileges on a restricted basis, this cannot be done...
In the Twin Cities, many people charged with DWI assume they are inevitably going to lose their driver’s license and face jail time because their breath test was over the legal limit of .08 percent blood alcohol concentration (BAC). For your DWI defense, however, it...
The Minnesota Legislature seems to tinker with portions of our state’s laws on an annual basis with the resulting changes making it easier for police and prosecutors to obtain convictions and impose more severe punishment. A significant change to Minnesota DWI...
Although most people do not expect to be arrested for driving while impaired (DWI) after a night at a bar, sporting event, or gathering with friends and family, approximately 1.5 million people per year are arrested for drunk driving across the United States,...
Most people who live in Minnesota understand the potentially devastating consequences of a DWI conviction. Fewer people are aware that exposure to these harsh civil and criminal penalties apply even if you are operating a vehicle other than a car, truck, van, or SUV....
Recently, the United States Supreme Court agreed to review Minnesota’s implied consent DWI law, which makes it a crime for a suspected drunk driver to refuse a breath test. This law is unique across the country and has been criticized by many as unconstitutional. The...
Whether you are pulled over by a police officer on your way back from a Vikings football game or from a family Thanksgiving get together, it is natural to be concerned about losing your driving privileges and/or spending time in jail. The anxiety associated with a...