In most parts of Minnesota, police officers and prosecutors are very aggressive when it comes to DWIs. These arrests help officers move up the professional ladder, and these convictions help prosecutors do likewise. Contrary to their portrayal in TV shows, these individuals have little interest in justice or fairness. A DWI arrest or conviction is simply another feather in a cap.
In this environment, you need help from an equally aggressive Maple Grove DWI lawyer like Gerald Miller. Our professional team quickly evaluates your case to identify substantive and procedural defenses. Then, once the case goes to court, we fight for you until we obtain the best possible result under the circumstances.
Speak To A
Maple Grove DWI Lawyer
Who We Are
Our team has over fifty years of combined experience in DWI, general criminal defense, and traffic violations. We know all the procedural rules in all local courts. That includes the unwritten rules. Your serious DWI is no time for on-the-job training. So, we hit the ground running as soon as you call us.
Because of our experience and tenacity, Our DWI lawyers have a reputation for excellence. This reputation allows us to successfully resolve even the most complex DWI matters.
Why Choose Gerald Miller
Many DWI attorneys are experienced. Frankly, however, they are experienced in taking the first offer the state makes instead of standing up for your individual rights.
On the other hand, Gerald Miller has successfully resolved over ten thousand DWI cases. This resolution could be a complete dismissal of charges, a plea to a lesser-included offense, or a not guilty verdict at trial.
What Comes Next
Launch your DWI defense today with a free case evaluation. We examine the facts of your case and, based on the available defenses, give you solid advice as to your legal options. We are committed to reducing or eliminating the harsh consequences of a DWI prosecution. That commitment shines through in everything our skilled DWI attorneys do.
Our Maple Grove DWI Lawyer Will Make a Difference for you
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