The terms DUI and DWI are used interchangeably. While that is not the case in every jurisdiction, these acronyms do not represent unique charges. Instead, they each represent an offense known as “driving while impaired.” Given that they are two names for the same...
While we typically think of forgery as one person signing another person’s name on a document or check, there’s actually a lot more to it than that. The most salient point to remember is that forgery often reaches the level of a felony crime and comes with the...
Gun charges in Minnesota are serious charges, and those related to carrying a concealed weapon are no exception. In Minnesota – unless you work in a highly specific field – you must have a permit to carry a gun in public. There is not, however, any distinction made...
The state of Minnesota has strict liquor laws that contain a wide range of offenses. If you find yourself facing a charge that alleges you violated a liquor law, such as open container or driving while intoxicated (DWI), reach out to an experienced Minnesota criminal...
The term grand theft auto has entered the public consciousness as the title of a wildly popular video game series. In the State of Minnesota, grand theft auto also refers to a felony that involves the theft of a vehicle that can result in significant legal...
Fraud amounts to the false representation of material facts with the intent to deceive another person into engaging in an action that leaves that person harmed. Fraud charges are very serious but proofing that the fraud has been committed can be difficult to prove....
In the state of Minnesota, what is considered fraud covers a wide range of other crimes. Within those other crimes, there is also a wide range of actions that can qualify as fraud. While every fraud charge is based on unique circumstances, the consequences you’ll face...
In the broadest sense, fraud refers to intentionally deceiving another person in order to benefit yourself or someone else. Fraud becomes a federal crime when the actions take place across state lines or violate federal legal codes. The penalties associated with...
Domestic violence is not a single named crime. Rather, it is a designation that is attached to a series of offenses committed between family members or romantic partners. Adding this designation allows prosecutors to seek additional penalties for the defendant. Even...