Realizing you are about to be pulled over by the police after a night of drinking can cause intense stress and fear. The outcome of this encounter could mean the loss of your driving privileges, incarceration, costly fines and expenses, a criminal record, and more. In...
A police stop because of erratic driving or a traffic violation can often be followed by a breath test, based on the officer’s observations during the stop and field sobriety tests (FSTs). Minnesota law enforcement uses the DataMaster DMT for DWI evidentiary breath...
If charged with a DWI in Minnesota, you can face an array of penalties including jail time, loss of driving privileges, and steep fines. Installation of an ignition interlock device (IID) is another potential consequence. This penalty recently became more burdensome...
Many motorists facing an arrest for DWI mistakenly presume taking their case to trial will result in an unfavorable outcome. However, much of the evidence can often be challenged using a range of potential defense strategies. In this blog, our team focuses on DWI...
When you are suspected of DWI, the officer typically requests that you perform field sobriety tests and a breathalyzer test. The breath test requires you to expel a certain amount of breath into the testing device. If this minimum volume is not produced, the officer...
In September 2016, a new rule to an existing law was implemented by Minnesota’s Department of Public Safety (DPS) requiring DUI offenders to install updated ignition interlock devices in their vehicles. Some of these systems have GPS tracking capabilities. Experts...
Many motorists every year find themselves facing a possible DWI when pulled over by police or asked to participate in field sobriety tests (FSTs) and/or breathalyzer tests. It is important to remember that a motorist’s actions can have a profound impact on the...
The status of implied consent laws as a tool to deter drunk driving has been in flux as three separate cases remained pending before the nation’s highest court. Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decided the cases, including a St. Paul case where a man refused...
In this article, our DWI attorney team provides an overview of underage DWI laws in Minnesota. Any motorist arrested and charged with drunk driving faces the prospect of significant penalties, from incarceration to significant fines to loss of driving privileges. The...