Apple Valley Criminal Defense Lawyers

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50+Years Of Collective Experience

100%Criminal & DWI Defense

Criminal Defense Lawyer

If you have been arrested in Apple Valley, your strategy for defending yourself could make the difference between a conviction and an acquittal. While some crimes carry steeper penalties than others, any mark on your criminal record could impact you for the rest of your life. 

The good news is that you have the right to a vigorous defense. When you hire an Apple Valley criminal defense lawyer to serve as your advocate, you improve your odds of obtaining a favorable decision. This could include winning at trial, negotiating a fair plea bargain, or even seeing your charges dismissed entirely. 

The attorneys of Gerald Miller are proud advocates of the accused. We will aggressively protect your constitutional rights and guide you as you navigate the criminal justice system. Contact us as soon as possible for a free consultation. 

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Apple Valley Criminal Defense Lawyer

Who We Are

Minnesota DWI attorneys, DUI lawyers, and criminal defense law firm

There are many different law firms to choose from in the Apple Valley area. What sets us apart is our focused approach to criminal defense law. Some attorneys are willing to accept any client who walks through the doors. From divorces to property disputes, these general practitioners handle a wide range of cases but do not have the focused experience earned from spending thousands of hours trying criminal defense cases in front of a jury. 

The attorneys of Gerald Miller are defense lawyers. We only accept criminal defense cases, and we are confident this approach has improved our ability to advocate on your behalf. 

One of our keys to success is always developing a personalized approach for every client. Your case is unique, and you are best served with a defense strategy that is carefully tailored to the facts surrounding your arrest. We will identify the strongest possible approach when it comes to defending the allegations you currently face. 

Get a Gerald Miller DWI Lawyer

Expert Representation in Criminal Cases

We're ready to flight for you. Contact us day or night.

Minnesota DWI attorneys, DUI lawyers, and criminal defense law firm

Why Choose Gerald Miller

Attorney Gerald Miller has focused on defending the accused since 1979. In that time, he has served countless individuals during the most challenging points in their life. The weight that comes with facing criminal charges is not lost on him, which is why he takes a compassionate approach to practicing defense law. 

As a firm, our team of attorneys has more than 50 years of combined experience. During that time, they have obtained favorable outcomes for more than 10,000 clients. We have also earned numerous awards and recognition on a state and national level. 

Choose Gerald Miller, Choose Freedom

Decades of Dedicated DWI Defense

Protecting your rights, restoring your peace of mind

What Comes Next

Navigating the criminal justice is never simple, no matter what charges you face. That said, facing serious felony allegations can add layers of complexity to not only defending yourself but also remaining out of jail while you await trial. You don’t have to carry this burden on your own, as our team is here to help. 

We understand the stress and uncertainty that is part of this process. Our attorneys are ready to not only serve as your advocate but provide you with counsel that is entirely in your best interest. Let our team help you weather the storm and come out on the other side of the allegations against you. 

Defend your rights with Gerald Miller

Over 10,000 Cases Successfully Handled

Experience matters. Trust us to protect your future.

Our Apple Valley Criminal Defense Lawyer Will Make a Difference for you

See What Our Clients Say

Apple Valley DWI DUI Criminal Defense Articles

Minnesota Criminal Defense Lawyer Costs – Fees & Factors

The cost of hiring a criminal defense lawyer in Minnesota typically ranges from $1,500 to $15,000, depending on the complexity of the case. Misdemeanor charges may start at the lower end, while more serious felony charges can lead to higher...


How Do Criminal Defense Attorneys Get Paid?

If you are like most people facing criminal charges, you no doubt wonder about the financial cost of hiring an attorney. While everyone wants the best legal counsel possible when they are facing potential jail time, the reality is that...


5 Reasons You Should Hire an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer

If you are arrested for a drug crime like possession of a controlled dangerous substance or drug sales, you potentially face exposure to incarceration in jail or state prison, substantial fines, probation, a criminal record, and other negative consequences. A...


Frequently Asked Questions

The amount an attorney in Apple Valley charges for their services is a decision only the lawyer can make. These rates can vary depending on many factors, from the amount of time a lawyer has practice to the extent of their name recognition. In general, lawyers that are new to the practice are likely to charge less than established firms.

The way lawyers earn their fees can also vary. When it comes to criminal cases, lawyers frequently charge by the hour. In addition to tracking their work and billing for their hourly rate, many attorneys require a retainer. This is a sum of money that is paid upfront to a lawyer. As they spend time on the case, they withdraw that money for their fees.

Not every attorney handles these cases on an hourly basis. For some, a lump-sum approach is the only option. This usually involves paying a lump-sum payment to a lawyer before they agree to do any work on your case.
There are many different types of criminal charges, and the penalties that come with a conviction can differ. In general, each case is treated as either a misdemeanor or a felony. Felony charges are the most serious, as they could result in years behind bars and thousands of dollars in fines.

Misdemeanors are the least severe of the two, but that does not mean these offenses can be taken lightly. If convicted, you could spend up to a year in jail on top of any monetary fines the court issues.

Defendants should also be aware of the collateral consequences that come with a conviction. For felonies, this could include losing the right to vote or own firearms. For someone convicted of a sex crime, that could mean registering as a sex offender. These are not formal penalties covered by statute, but their impact can be significant. It is important to remember that you’ll only face these penalties if you are ultimately convicted of a crime.
You might be able to have the charges against you dismissed. That does not mean the process will be easy, as prosecutors rarely drop charges on a whim. Instead, your best bet is for a criminal defense lawyer to make a strong case to the prosecutor that a conviction is unlikely. This often follows a motion to exclude some or all of the evidence against you at trial.

If the prosecution won’t drop the charges against you, a judge might agree to do so. This only happens if your attorney files a motion with the court seeking to have your case dismissed. A judge will consider the evidence, and they might agree to dismiss if your lawyer can provide legal grounds that prevent the state from moving forward.
You have the right to legal counsel, but no one can decide on your behalf if you should hire a lawyer to handle your case. That said, acting as your own attorney is a risk you might not be able to afford. There are complex aspects of the law that—should you fail to handle correctly—could result in an avoidable conviction.

When you hire a lawyer, they can do more than answer your questions and ensure you meet all the necessary deadlines. Your lawyers can provide you with peace of mind, knowing that you put forth the strongest defense possible.

There is a chance that the state will offer you a plea bargain following an arrest in Apple Valley. However, this offer might not be in your best interest. It might be immediately obvious if a plea is worth accepting, which is why relying on the advice of counsel is so important.

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