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In Minnesota, it is a crime for anyone under the age of 21 to drive, operate, or be in physical control of a motor vehicle while consuming or after having consumed alcohol. Underage individuals can also face penalties under both the Underage Drinking and Driving and Not A Drop statutes, as well as normal DWI penalties, if both are applicable. If you or a loved one are facing an underage drinking and driving violation, obtaining a favorable result begins with hiring an experienced team of Minneapolis DWI Defense Lawyers, from the office of Gerald Miller.

Under 21 DWI / DUI Consequences

Penalties are the same for underage individuals as they are for adults. License plate impoundment and forfeiture of the vehicle used in the incident are also applicable.

Possible Driver’s License Sanctions

There are several alcohol-related laws that apply specifically to under 21 drivers. The exact age of an individual makes a difference. A first time underage drinking and driving conviction for an individual between 18-20 years of age can result in a loss of driving privileges for up to 180 days. However, the driver may be eligible for a work permit 15 days after the license has been revoked.

Whereas, a first time underage drinking and driving conviction for an individual under the age of 18 can also result in a loss of driving privileges for up to 180 days. However, the driver may not be eligible for a work permit 90 days after the license has been revoked.

Also consider when it comes to driving records juveniles do not have the protection of juvenile court where a record may be sealed.

Should I Hire Minneapolis DWI Defense Lawyers?

An experienced attorney is essential when dealing with complex underage DWI laws. Gerald Miller PA has defended thousands of alcohol and DWI cases and has over 35 years experience in DWI/criminal defense. Our goal is to guide you through these difficult times and help obtain the best result possible for your individual situation. Contact us today at 612-341-9080 for a free consultation.

For more information see the Minnesota Under 21 Driving While Impaired Statute 169A.33.

For a review of criminal penalties and driver license sanctions see the Minnesota Department of Public Safety.


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