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If you have been charged with DUI or DWI and are going through the consequences, you may still have questions and may still need the assistance of a DUI defense Minneapolis lawyer. In some instances, a person whose driver’s license has been revoked for either a DWI or implied consent violation may apply for a limited license to drive:

    • To and from work or to apply for a job;
    • To and from chemical dependency treatment programs;
    • To provide for medical, educational, or nutritional needs of the family; and/or
    • For attendance to a postsecondary educational institute.

Work-Permit / Limited License Violation Consequences

A person who violates a condition of a work-permit / limited license or fails to have the license in their immediate possession at all times while operating a motor vehicle is guilty of a crime. Additionally, a person found guilty of violating a condition or limitation may not operate a motor vehicle for the remainder of the revocation period, or 30 days, whichever is longer.

Should I Contact a Minnesota DWI Lawyer?

Work permit/limited license laws are very complex and violations can result in severe consequences. Having an experienced attorney is vital if you or someone you know has been charged with a violation. Gerald Miller PA has 35 years experience and has handled thousands of DWI cases. Contact Gerald Miller PA today at 612-341-9080 for a free consultation.

For more information see the Work Permit / Limited License Statute 171.30.

For a review of criminal penalties and driver license sanctions see the Minnesota Department of Public Safety.


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