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The “B-Card” is a restricted driver’s license issued by the Department of Public Safety (DPS) to persons with at least three prior qualified incidents within ten years or with four prior qualified incidents in their lifetime. An individual receiving a B-Card must agree, in writing, to permanently abstain from drugs and alcohol as well as successfully complete chemical dependency and rehabilitation treatment. There can be a lot of questions that arise when it comes to “B-Cards”, and that’s why speaking with a DUI Defense Lawyer Minneapolis can be a great help if this is something you are going through.

B-Card Violation Consequences

A B-Card violation will result in the DPS revoking the person’s license. This is significant because before a person can re-acquire a valid B-Card he/she must, among other things, again successfully complete chemical dependency treatment and rehabilitation. The DPS also requires documented proof of drug and alcohol abstinence for minimum period of:

  1. One year for a person’s first rehabilitation;
  2. Three years for a person’s second rehabilitation;
  3. Six years for a person’s third or subsequent rehabilitation

In addition to administrative sanctions, the law provides for gross misdemeanor criminal penalties for a person convicted of a B-Card violation.

Do I Need a Minnesota DWI Lawyer?

B-Card/restricted driver’s license law is extremely complicated. Having an experienced DWI Lawyer in Minnesota is therefore essential. Gerald Miller PA has 35 years experience defending thousands of DWI cases and will fight to ensure you receive the best result possible based on your individual case. Contact Gerald Miller PA today at 612-341-9080 for a free consultation. He will make sure your rights are defended throughout your entire case.

For more information see the Minnesota B-Card Violation Statute 171.09.

For a review of criminal penalties and driver license sanctions see the Minnesota Department of Public Safety.


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