Marijuana possession charges often result in cases that are difficult to defend. Achieving a case dismissal, acquittal, or attractive plea bargain requires a tough advocate with the best defense strategies who fights the state every step of the way. Criminal defense...
Facing felony marijuana charges in Minneapolis puts you at risk of spending time in state prison and living the rest of your life as a convicted felon. But charges and convictions are two separate matters. The state must prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. For a...
Navigating the legal process and building a strong defense against Marijuana possession charges in Minnesota requires careful consideration and strategic planning. Consulting with an experienced defense attorney, understanding the Minnesota marijuana laws, and...
When facing marijuana criminal charges in Minneapolis, it’s crucial to understand the available legal options. This article explores effective defenses to marijuana charges, including the Fourth Amendment-, Fifth Amendment-, lack of possession-, and chain of...
Marijuana laws and their enforcement have become a popular topic of discussion across the United States, with Minnesota being no exception. In this article, we delve into the details of Minnesota drug laws, providing a comprehensive understanding of the rules...
Forgery Laws and Penalties in Minnesota A felony forgery conviction can land you in prison for up to fifteen years, though a sentence that tough is exceptional. More typically, the felony forgery conviction merits several months to several years of incarceration....
24-Hour DUI Defense in Minneapolis: What You Need to Know A DUI arrest can happen at any time. When you are facing these serious charges, you need legal assistance right away. Gerald Miller, P.A., has qualified Minneapolis DUI defense lawyers ready to take your call...
The cost of hiring a criminal defense lawyer in Minnesota typically ranges from $1,500 to $15,000, depending on the complexity of the case. Misdemeanor charges may start at the lower end, while more serious felony charges can lead to higher fees. Factors influencing...
How Much Does a Possession of Controlled Substance Lawyer Charge in Minnesota? On average, Minnesota criminal defense lawyers charge between $150 and $450 per hour. The total cost for a defense varies based on the type of case, the amount of preparation needed, and...