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What happens when I go to court for a DUI DWI?

There are different types of court appearances when you are charged with any crime in Minnesota. Your first time in court will either be a first appearance or an arraignment, depending on the level of your charge. At this hearing, the court will make sure that you understand what is going on in your case. In certain types of cases, the court will also set conditions of release, which could include some monetary bail.

The next court appearance will either be a pre-trial or omnibus hearing. If you go to court by yourself, this would be the time that you speak with the prosecutor about your case and potentially negotiate a settlement or bring up any legal issues that you have. If you have an attorney, they would do that on your behalf.

Going into court by yourself can be scary and is not recommended. Prosecutor’s know that you are not an attorney and will sometimes take advantage of that. Additionally, being that you are not trained in the law, it could be difficult to spot legal issues that may get your case dismissed.

Just like most people would call an electrician if they needed their house wired, you should also call an attorney if you need to be in court. If you find yourself in a position that you are scheduled to go into criminal court, call the experienced attorneys at Gerald Miller P.A. to set up your free consultation today.

Related article: The DWI Court Process in Minneapolis, MN

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