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Are there alternatives to serving jail for a DWI DUI?

There can be alternatives, depending on your situation. Some cases require a mandatory minimum amount of jail.

In these situations, it can be difficult, however not impossible, to avoid actual in custody jail time. There are different alternatives that can be negotiated in lieu of jail time. One of those options is Electronic Home Monitoring (EHM).

If you are placed on EHM, you will have to wear an ankle bracelet and will not be allowed to leave your home. You can get work release if you are on EHM, but you will only be allowed to leave your home to go to work, and as soon as you are done you have to get back home.

A second option is Sentence to Service (STS). STS is essentially free work for the county. You show up and have to do an 8 hour work day of whatever the county is having you do that day. Most commonly you will notice this when you see people cleaning trash from the side of the road.

The final option is community work service (CWS). If you are sentenced to community work service, you will be required to complete a certain amount of hours volunteering for a non-profit organization.

If you are charged with a DWI/DUI and are concerned about going to jail, call the attorneys at Gerald Miller, P.A. to set up your free consultation today.

Must read article: Can You Avoid Jail Time After Getting a DUI in Minneapolis?

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